Soul Dance

poetryAllow me to dance within your charms, to freely whirl in the splendour of your soul as we touch within teasing to gift pleasing as our souls divine the understanding that we are one, that you are my other.
~ I love you.

My other, the soul that moves in the rhythms of the immortal of me, melting as we daringly declare that we are bound in all lifetimes, all of our lifetimes as we dance in the vibrations that is divinely us.
~ I love you.

Loving you as we twirl in turns, dip with swirling to simmer in swaying and thrill in the pleasures of all that we are as we rise to enjoy more of our love, dance into the rhythm of this, of us, of love and a lifetime of us.
~ I love you.

Dance with me, allow our vibrational rhythms to once more embrace in this wondrous pleasure of being wholly divinely us in us being one, the oneness of being your other as you are mine in this one more lifetime.
~ I love you

Please, dance your soul with mine, dance our rhythms in touching, teasing, pleasing and being all that we may be.
~ I love you.

(( Soul Dance – WindWhisperer ))

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